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Research Areas

We continue to expand our research topics and welcome any collaborations within or outside the field of space physics. 


Nonlinear wave-particle interaction, wave coupling, wave-driven precipitation and acceleration


The near-Earth space is highly dynamic and filled with orbiting charged particles that make up the Van Allen radiation belts. Plasma waves can be generated naturally in the Van Allen radiation belts and in turn energize and/or precipitate the electrons within, which can excite molecules in the upper atmosphere to release light, commonly known as aurora in polar regions.


Our group strives for a better understanding of the wave particle interaction process, using data-driven models. Specifically, we mainly focus on quantifying the the nonlinear effects of wave-particle resonant interaction, examine the importance of wave coupling (such as ULF and VLF wave coupling), and investigate the wave-driven precipitation or acceleration in Earth’s magnetosphere (including radiation belts and magnetotail).

Wave-Particle Interaction in Earth's Magnetosphere


Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling

Quantify wave-driven precipitation, model the resultant conductance and ionospheric response, examine the effect of ionospheric outflows on wave generation


During precipitation from the magnetosphere to the ionosphere, charged particles modify local properties of the ionosphere, such as the ionization rate and conductance, which in turn regulates magnetospheric convection, forming a two-way coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere system. In particular, those energetic electron precipitation can penetrate to the mesosphere or even down to the upper stratosphere, where they can modify the composition of the atmosphere and produce NOx and HOx serving as catalysts for ozone depletion. In response to precipitation, secondary electrons can flow out of the ionosphere to the equatorial magnetosphere, where they can affect wave generation and propagation in the magnetosphere.

Our group works to quantify the wave-driven precipitation, examine the consequences of these precipitation in the ionosphere, and investigate the role of ionospheric outflows on magnetospheric wave generation and propagation.


Wave-Particle Interaction in Other Planets

Plasma wave generation, current sheet characteristics of Jovian magnetodisk


Other than the Earth's magnetosphere, we are also interested in plasma wave generation and M-I coupling in other planets. Ongoing work mainly focuses on Jovian magnetosphere based on Juno data, with plans to expand to other planets. Jovian magnetosphere is vastly different from Earth's in plasma composition and magnetic field characteristics, which lead to many uniquely interesting phenomena. For example, in Jovian magnetodisk, the Alfven speed can approach close to the speed of light, so that Alfven waves may propagate to high latitudes and efficiently accelerate energetic electrons there. Understanding the wave generation and plasma dynamics in this non-classical plasma environment will better inform and verify existing models (established mainly on the basis of measurements in Earth's magnetosphere) over more broad parameter regimes.  


Space Instrumentation and CubeSats

ELFIN, High-Frequency Magnetic Loop, DUCHESS (pending), and More to Come


We have now entered the era of small satellites (including CubeSats), which requires miniatured, yet equivalently sensitive instruments. Our group, in collaboration with the space plasma group at UCLA, aims to contribute to instrumentation and mission developments in the area of CubeSats/SmallSats. Currently, the main projects stay at UCLA, but knowledge transfer to UTD is under way. 

Experimental Space Plasma at UTD

xjzhang at

©2022 by Experimental Space Plasma at UTD

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